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The APA-accredited PsyD in clinical psychology degree program offered by the 加州职业心理学院 (CSPP) in Los Angeles provides the advanced education and training needed to become a professional practitioner of health service psychology, 专注于临床心理学.

The PsyD program in Los Angeles addresses the need for multiculturally competent psychology practitioners who effectively integrate scientific evidence with practice in responding to human problems of developmental deprivation, dysfunction, 心理障碍, and trauma. The students of our clinical psychology program can follow their own clinical interests and further their individual career goals by selecting an emphasis area and taking a specialized series of courses, and by pursuing research and field placements that are consistent with their interests and long-term career goals.

要了解更多关于这个项目和其他产品,请访问我们的 CSPP-dedicated微博. 你会发现我们大学校长的视频, dean of CSPP, and faculty, 以及许多交互功能!












Emphasis Areas

The Los Angeles clinical PsyD degree program offers four emphasis areas that provide a specialized learning focus:

  • 家庭/孩子和夫妻重点(FACE)
  • 临床健康心理学重点(CHP)
  • 多元文化社区-临床心理学重点(MCCP)

Students who decide not to enter an emphasis area are considered multi-interest option (MIO) students







Program Aims

  1. 培养能够有效、敏感地进行干预的学生, using scientifically-informed assessment and interventions with diverse populations across a range of settings and modalities. 
  2. 为学生提供研究生水平, scientific knowledge base that serves as a foundation for continued training in and practice of health service psychology in a multicultural society. 
  3. Prepare students to develop strong professional identities as health service psychologists, 以道德和法律原则知识为基础, laws, regulations, and policies, and the ability to apply this knowledge effectively in all of their professional activities. 

The aims of the doctoral program are supported by nine profession-wide competencies as delineated by the Commission on Accreditation of the 美国心理学会. 



学生必须展示科学与实践的结合. Individuals who successfully complete programs accredited in health service psychology (HSP) must demonstrate knowledge, skills, 以及足以产生新知识的能力, 批判性地评估和使用现有知识来解决问题, 传播研究成果. This area of competence toward becoming a licensed clinical psychologist requires substantial knowledge of scientific methods, procedures, and practices.


  1. Demonstrate the substantially independent ability to formulate research or other scholarly activities (e.g., 批判性文献综述, dissertation, efficacy studies, 临床病例研究, theoretical papers, 项目评估项目, program development projects) that are of sufficient quality and rigor to have the potential to contribute to the scientific, psychological, 或专业知识基础.
  2. 进行研究或其他学术活动.
  3. Critically evaluate and disseminate research or other scholarly activity via professional publication and presentation at the local (including the host institution), regional, or national level.


Students are expected to respond professionally in increasingly complex situations with a greater degree of independence across levels of training.


  1. 了解并按照下列各项行事:     
    • The current version of the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct;
    • Relevant laws, regulations, rules, 以及管理组织内健康服务心理学的政策, local, state, regional, and federal levels; and
    • 相关的专业标准和指南.    
  2. Recognize ethical dilemmas as they arise and apply ethical decision-making processes in order to resolve the dilemmas.
  3. 在所有专业活动中以道德的方式行事.


Effectiveness in health service psychology requires that trainees develop the ability to conduct all professional activities with sensitivity to human diversity, including the ability to deliver high quality services to an increasingly diverse population. Therefore, 学生必须展示知识, awareness, sensitivity, and skills when working with diverse individuals and communities who embody a variety of cultural and personal background and characteristics. The Commission on Accreditation defines cultural and individual differences and diversity as including, but not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, national origin, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, 社会经济地位.


  1. 了解自己的个人/文化历史, attitudes, and biases may affect how they understand and interact with people different from themselves.
  2. Knowledge of the current theoretical and empirical knowledge base as it relates to addressing diversity in all professional activities including research, training, 心理评估, 监督/咨询, and service.
  3. The ability to integrate awareness and knowledge of individual and cultural differences in the conduct of professional roles (e.g.、研究、服务和其他专业活动). This includes the ability to apply a framework for working effectively with areas of individual and cultural diversity not previously encountered over the course of their careers. Also included is the ability to work effectively with individuals whose group membership, 人口特征, 或者世界观与他们自己的世界观产生冲突.
  4. 必备的知识基础, ability to articulate an approach to working effectively with diverse individuals and groups and apply this approach effectively in their professional work.



  1. 行为方式要反映心理学的价值观和态度, 包括完整性, deportment, 专业的身份, accountability, lifelong learning, 关心他人的福祉.
  2. Engage in self-reflection regarding one’s personal and professional functioning; engage in activities to maintain and improve performance, well-being, 以及专业效率.
  3. Actively seek and demonstrate openness and responsiveness to feedback and supervision.
  4. Respond professionally in increasingly complex situations with a greater degree of independence as they progress across levels of training.



  1. 与广泛的个人建立并保持有效的关系, 包括我的同事, communities, organizations, supervisors, supervisees, 以及那些接受专业服务的人.
  2. 口语表达和理解, nonverbal, and written communications that are informative and well-integrated; demonstrate a thorough grasp of professional language and concepts.
  3. Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills and the ability to manage difficult communication well.


Students demonstrate competence in conducting evidence-based assessment consistent with the scope of health service psychology.


  1. 展示诊断分类系统的最新知识, 功能行为和功能失调行为, 包括考虑客户的优势和精神病理.
  2. 展示对人类行为的理解.g.(家庭、社会、社会和文化).
  3. Demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge of 功能行为和功能失调行为 including context to the 心理评估 and/or diagnostic process.
  4. Select and apply assessment methods that draw from the best available empirical literature and that reflect the science of measurement and psychometrics; collect relevant data using multiple sources and methods appropriate to the identified goals and questions of the assessment as well as relevant 多样性的特点 of the service recipient.
  5. 解释评估结果, 遵循当前的研究和专业标准和指导方针, 为案例概念化提供信息, classification, 和建议, 同时防范决策偏差, distinguishing the aspects of assessment that are subjective from those that are objective.
  6. Communicate orally and in written documents the findings and implications of the assessment in an accurate and effective manner sensitive to a range of audiences.


Students demonstrate competence in evidence-based interventions consistent with the scope of health service psychology. Intervention is being defined broadly to include but not be limited to psychotherapy. Interventions may be derived from a variety of theoretical orientations or approaches. 干预的程度包括针对个人的干预, a family, a group, an organization, a community, 人口或其他系统.


  1. Establish and maintain effective relationships with the recipients of psychological services.
  2. Develop evidence-based intervention plans specific to the service delivery goals.
  3. 根据当前的科学文献实施干预措施, 评估结果, 多样性的特点, 语境变量.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to apply the relevant research literature to clinical decision making.
  5. Modify and adapt evidence-based approaches effectively when a clear evidence-base is lacking,
  6. Evaluate intervention effectiveness and adapt intervention goals and methods consistent with ongoing evaluation.


Supervision involves the mentoring and monitoring of trainees and others in the development of competence and skill in professional practice and the effective evaluation of those skills. Supervisors act as role models and maintain responsibility for the activities they oversee.


  1. 展示监督模式和实践的知识.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to integrate supervisor feedback into professional practice.


Consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills are reflected in the intentional collaboration of professionals in health service psychology with other individuals or groups to address a problem, 寻求或分享知识, 或者在专业活动中提高效率.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge and respect for the roles and perspectives of other professions.
  2. 展示咨询模式和实践的知识.


All students are expected to possess discipline-specific knowledge in the following four categories:

  1. 心理学的历史和系统.
  2. 科学心理学的基本内容领域, 包括情感, 生物的认知, developmental, 以及行为的社会方面.
  3. 先进的综合科学心理学知识.
  4. 研究方法、统计分析和心理测量学.

Training in individual and cultural diversity competence is integrated throughout all program requirements; additionally, 该项目包含了大学支持的多元文化能力. In this way, the program and CSPP are responsive to the ethical mandates of the 美国心理学会.



The graduate program requires all students to complete three years of practica and a full-time doctoral internship. Every student receives guidance and support through the clinical training placement selection and application process from the practicum and internship training directors. They are licensed professionals who work with students to develop and implement individualized training plans that expose students to a variety of clientele and professional role models. This intensive mentorship also supports students' abilities to obtain clinical placements that are well-suited to each student's skill level, clinical interests, and longer-term professional goals (including the successful acquisition of a full-time APA-accredited internship placement).


Students obtain part-time professional training placements (8–10 hours per week in the first year, 15–20 hours per week in the second and third years) at diverse agencies throughout the Los Angeles area. In these settings, students assume greater clinical responsibility for assessment and intervention while continuing to receive close supervision, 适合他们的训练水平和能力. All training sites and placement are carefully reviewed and continually monitored on an ongoing basis by the director of clinical training to ensure consistency and quality of training.

所有实习实习, students are required to participate in a minimum of one hour of weekly supervision provided by a licensed psychologist; many practicum sites also require group supervision. Practicum supervision requirements also include a minimum of two hours per week spent in didactic training.


在毕业之前,学生必须完成全职实习. Students become eligible to apply for internship only after achieving post-proposal status on their clinical dissertation and are required to pass the proposal meeting by the end of finals week in the spring semester of their second year to apply to internship in the fall of the third year. In special cases, 通过教师的建议和项目主管的批准, students may be allowed to modify their program to five years by adding an extra practicum experience in their fourth year and complete the required full-time internship in their fifth year. Students who modify their program to a five-year plan are required to pass the proposal meeting by the end of finals week in the spring semester of their third year to apply to internship in the fall of the fourth year.

The culminating internship experience integrates academic and clinical practice experiences and prepares students for future professional roles in the field of health service psychology.  While the completion of an APA-accredited internship is not required to complete the program, students should be aware that various postdoctoral training positions and some employers (e.g., the Veterans Administration) require that successful applicants have completed APA-accredited internships. The program's commitment to helping students obtain an APA-accredited internship requires that all students apply to a minimum number of APA-accredited internship sites and participate in Phases I and II of the APPIC Match process. Many students leave the Los Angeles area to gain specialized training at APA-accredited/APPIC internship sites located nation-wide; therefore, prospective students should be prepared to consider leaving Southern California for internship. 

Full-time APA-accredited/APPIC internships provide a stipend to students during their internship year. 大多数其他实习(e.g.(CAPIC)和实习地点不提供津贴. Students should not count on training stipends as a means of financing their education. 所有实习项目, students are required to participate in a minimum of one hour of weekly supervision provided by a licensed psychologist who serves as primary supervisor, who is available to the intern 100% of the time that the student is at the agency, and who is employed by the agency at least 50% of the duration of the student's internship. 每周至少需要两小时的教学培训. 至少有两名心理学家参加实习培训.

实习单位收取的学费低于常规课程, 详情请参阅现时的学费表.

The three semester (fall/spring/summer) enrollment requirement for internship is intended to provide students with financial aid over the summer.

如果学生的实习在5月结束, 学生应申请参加两个学期的实习单元模式. 如果学生的实习开始日期是6月, the student should request enrollment in a summer/fall/spring internship unit model. 请与临床心理学博士学生指导老师联系.


Yolanda csamspedes - knadle博士
临床训练主任 | (626) 270-3342



学年包括15周的秋季学期, 为期15周的春季学期, 还有为期10周的夏季课程. 该项目为期4年, full-time program, but students have the option of following a modified curriculum plan that leads to completion of the program in 5 years. The 5-year option is also considered full-time by the standards of federal financial aid (5 units or above per term) and is identical in content to the standard 4-year model (120 total semester units, 包括30个实习单位). 该项目目前有数百名学生处于不同的完成阶段. All students are required to complete a minimum of four years of full-time study (or the equivalent), 全职居住三年. All students undertake one-year full-time internship training in the four-year (or 5th, 如果遵循修改后的课程计划). The program requires two years of residency prior to advancement to candidacy (which includes completion of all 1st and 2nd year courses, 评估综合考试, 研究综合考试, CPA case report, 论文开题). Students who have completed all degree requirements (except for internship) are eligible to participate in Alliant's Commencement Ceremony in the month of May of their final year. Internship must be completed before the degree is posted to the transcript and the diploma is printed.



The clinical psychology PsyD program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the 美国心理学会 (APA), 这需要我们按时提供数据完成吗, program costs, internships, 损耗和许可. 请点击下面的链接获取相关信息. We hope this information will help you to make an informed decision regarding your graduate study in higher education.

学生入学,成绩和其他数据 (.pdf)

The 加州职业心理学院 clinical psychology PhD and PsyD programs are offered on the Fresno, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, 和旧金山湾区校区. Each is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the 美国心理学会 (APA).

*Questions related to a program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation.









Why Alliant

At Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for professional careers of service and leadership and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. 我们提供经过认证的教育, 注重实用知识和技能, 与不同的教师和校友保持联系, 以学生体验为目标.

Learn More



Founded in 1969, CSPP was one of the nation’s first independent schools of professional psychology. Today, CSPP continues its commitment to preparing the next generation of mental health professionals through graduate-level degree programs in clinical psychology, 婚姻家庭治疗, 临床心理咨询, 组织心理学, 精神药理学, and more.


